BlockApps STRATO releases new demo for track and trace blockchain app

BlockApps STRATO releases new demo for track & trace blockchain application

BlockApps, an enterprise blockchain platform provider coming off of a funding round back in September, announced today a demo for a track and trace generic supply chain application that runs on STRATO.

The application has four different user roles built-in that corresponds to a generic supply chain for manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and regulators.

In the application, a few generic supply chain events are built-in:

  • Manufacturers create assets and request bids for their purchase
  • Distributors then bid on these assets
  • Manufacturers accept a bid and launch a smart contract to track the fulfillment of this order

Distributors can then repeat this process for sale to retailers; all while regulators have visibility into all bids and transactions in real-time.

This app takes advantage of STRATO’s features for managing privacy, governance, and authentication in order to create the four distinct roles in the network with proper permissions and visibility.


STRATO is a flexible blockchain solution for building and running business networks. STRATO serves as the base layer for secure business network transactions and activity, creating a highly extensible platform for business groups to use.

It can be deployed on any major cloud provider and can be configured for many types of business activities. STRATO is built to integrate with other systems while providing clear control over data access and privacy.

Supply Chain Management with Blockchain

Supply Chain Management is a high-value use case for blockchain technology. Fortune 500 companies like Bayer and BHP Billiton leverage STRATO’s track-and-trace to build their enterprise solutions.

The BlockApps team calls its demo “track-and-trace” because it addresses two unique challenges for supplier networks:

  1. Track – Easily review or update information about who has assets are and the what lifecycle stage they’re in
  2. Trace – Accurate and timely information about asset provenance (where it came from)

In the demo shown in the video above, BlockApps goes through the first steps of asset tracking in the track and trace application: (1) creating an order as a manufacturer, bidding on it as a distributor, (2) accepting the bid again as a manufacturer, (3) finally, showing the regulators view of the entire process.

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