Cryptocurrency platform Coinigy upgrades infrastructure along with UI updates


Cryptocurrency trading platform Coinigy today provided a new list of UI/UX updates to the platform. The improvements come after the company made infrastructure upgrades the prior evening. As of today, users are getting the benefit of notable performance increases in regards to load times and the overall reliability of the platform.

In addition to the infrastructure improvements just completed, Coinigy has been working hard on specific UI/UX upgrades to improve the platform’s look and feel.

The full list of recent additions are listed below:

  • Autosave has been reduced to an optional feature, however, Coinigy has put additional bugfixes in place so traders can feel free to re-enable it. Users can do so on the Settings > Preferences page.
  • Show/Hide Positions & Order History options have been moved to the right-click context menu-Right click anywhere on the chart to easily add/remove history markers and open positions. These options were previously available under the orange/yellow button at the top of the chart.
  • ‘Notes’ Tab is now available with a simple WYSIWYG editor that can be found directly to the right of the ‘Economy’ tab. Notes entered are attached to the current trading pair (exclusive of exchange) and will persist across sessions.
  • Right-clicking on the chart and choosing ‘Reset Chart’ will now clear the browser’s localStorage and do proper cleaning of all indicators and drawings.
  • The Two-Factor Authentication input field is now focused by default on page load.
  • Clicking on open orders in the list will now properly navigate to the exchange and market, regardless of pairing.
  • BitMEX price alerts are now displaying the “mini chart” properly.
  • The on-chart order placement indicator now disallows clicking and dragging while holding 0 balance of a currency.
  • The ‘Price Trend’ chart is now properly reset when switching tabs and focusing the window.
  • On-chart History markers are now properly aligned with the time the order was executed, in the latest version of the charting library.
  • Traders can now add any market to their Favorites by right-clicking on the pair in the markets sidebar list.

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