ErisX awarded DCO license for bitcoin and digital asset futures

Erisx Crypto Ninjas

ErisX, a digital asset spot, and futures market, today announced that the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the US regulatory agency with jurisdiction over futures markets, has granted Eris Clearing a derivatives clearing organization (DCO) license under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA).

As a registered DCO, the ErisX clearinghouse will offer the clearing of digital asset futures contracts traded on ErisX’s regulated derivatives market, which will launch later this year.

Eris Clearing will comply with the 17 core principles under the CEA including, among other things, establishing standards and procedures to protect members and participant funds, risk management capabilities and rule enforcement policies.

“Our clearinghouse is guided by a long-standing regulatory framework that protects participants and market integrity, and we are applying these same regulatory principles to our recently-launched spot market as well. Obtaining the DCO license is the second key enterprise goal we achieved this year, after launching our spot market. When futures on digital assets launch later this year we will offer the market a single unified platform for both spot and futures.”
– Laurian Cristea, General Counsel at ErisX

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