Waves blockchain platform launches new browser extension tool

Waves Platform, a blockchain platform with native DEX, along with newly released Waves smart contracts today has announced a new browser extension: Waves Keeper. Now, if a website or dApp requires the signing of a Waves transaction, users can do this with just a couple of clicks without leaving the browser.

The new Waves Keeper browser extension turns the browser into a keychain that enables users to sign transactions securely on third-party web resources without entering your seed or password.

User account information is encrypted and stored locally, it is also possible to add multiple wallets.

The extension will be particularly useful to developers who want to embed Waves functionality in their projects, because it supports the Auth and Payment APIs. For testing purposes, developers can switch between using it on mainnet and testnet.

In forthcoming releases, the Waves team is planning to extend functionality and develop a cross-browser solution, available for all popular browsers. This first version of the browser extension, currently works only in Google Chrome.

For now, this product is available only to the Waves community through their forum. It will soon be added to the Chrome Web Store, making it more easily accessible.

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