Tech Bureau to list COMSA token on new crypto exchange from Metaps


Tech Bureau, the Japanese-based blockchain and cryptocurrency company and creator of token trading and ICO platform COMSA, has agreed to enter a partnership with Metaps Plus to list their respective tokens on each other’s crypto exchanges. Metaps Plus is a Korean subsidiary of Metaps Inc., a leading mobile fintech platform across commerce and marketing.

Under the terms of the partnership, the COMSA token (CMS) will be listed and traded on Metaps Plus’ soon to launch exchange, CoinRoom, if CoinRoom successfully launches in November fully obligated to Korean laws. Metaps Plus plans to launch CoinRoom on November 11th listing Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum Classic along with its own PlusCoin.

In addition, the Metaps Plus token, PlusCoin, will be listed on Tech Bureau’s Zaif Exchange in Japan so that PlusCoin also has a global presence in Japan and Korea.

“Listing globally recognized tokens in blockchain technology is the key to success. We think that this is the first step to connect Japan and Korea across blockchain platforms.”

Tech Bureau CEO, Takao Asayama

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