Coincheck opens fiat deposit and withdrawal to international users


Tokyo, Japan-headquartered cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck Inc. announced today that fiat currency deposit and withdrawals are now allowed for global users who live outside of Japan. People around the world can now use all features provided by Coincheck.
The exchange said they started to send out a physical postcard to those customers living outside of Japan for account confirmation. To enable their accounts and start using exchange and trading services from fiat transactions, users are required to input the confirmation code on the received postcard.
This is significant as it could potentially enter in a flood of cash to Coincheck, especially to the company’s new fixed-term interest paying bitcoin deposit accounts, which was introduced back in May. The interest accounts allow users to park their BTC for up to 5% in annual interest, 30, 60, and 90 days terms are also available.
In other recent exchange updates, Coincheck has enabled the ability to directly deposit and send Zcash, Litecoin, DASH, and Monero as well as all the other cryptocurrencies listed on the exchange.

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