DeFi liquidity protocol Alkemi Network now live on mainnet

DeFi liquidity protocol Alkemi Network now live on mainnet

Alkemi Network, an on-chain liquidity network with a suite of tools and products that serve as onramps to participate in decentralized finance, today announced it is officially launching out of stealth.

After closing a $4.6 million investment round with over $5 million of liquidity deposits seeded to the network; Alkemi is live on mainnet.

The flagship borrowing and lending protocol, Alkemi Earn, provides centralized financial counterparties with compliant, turnkey access to DeFi. Over the past 6 months, Alkemi has prioritized product, network reach, and community buildout, whilst closing a growth round and onboarding 25 liquidity providers.

Aiming to become a portal to the on-chain capital world whilst scaling out to the broader DeFi universe; Alkemi Network features notable adopters including LedgerPrime, Radar Relay, JST Capital, Shift Markets, Teller Finance, Quantstamp, Kronos Research, Fractal, Autonomy Capital, and Validation Capital,

Backers of Alkemi include Outlier Ventures, Techstars, ConsenSys Mesh, LedgerPrime, GSR, GBV Capital, a195 Capital, Asymmetries Funds, Shift Markets, Genblock Capital, and Autonomy Capital as well as strategic angels Joyce Yang of GCR, Jeremy Drane of Nifty’s, Quantstamp CEO Richard Ma, Ivan Brightly Former CISO Galaxy Digital, Justin Amos CEO of Lygon, Duke Kim, and Hashgraph founder, Jordan Fried.

“Nailing product-market fit has been our priority. Before opening the liquidity floodgates; it was paramount we launched with a use case that would drive immediate value for our ecosystem stakeholders. It’s time to lift the network veil.”
– Brian Mahoney, CSO, and Co-Founder of Alkemi Network

Borrow and lend across a range of digital asset markets including ETH, WBTC, DAI, and USDC.

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