Crypto exchange CoinDeal set to open staking program with up to 11% p.a.

Crypto exchange CoinDeal set to open staking program with up to 11% p.a.

CoinDeal, a bitcoin/crypto exchange company available globally, is now set to launch its new staking program for users on Thursday, March 16th. CoinDeal’s flexible staking program lasts from 3 days to 365 days and can be stopped at any time.

Users will be able to stake native CoinDeal (CDL) exchange tokens. Participants must stake a minimum of 1000 CDL tokens to get rewards in one of their chosen assets: CDL, BTC or USDT.

Stakers can earn up to 11% per annum. The total pot available for all users to stake is 10,000,000 CDL tokens; once claimed, the function will be unavailable until more funds become unfroze.

“Remember, just enter the amount of CDL tokens you want to stake and choose the currency in which you want to get the reward. You will be able to check how much you would earn if you had chosen more days. The minimum time to stake your funds is 72 hours. When you stop staking, the prize and your funds will immediately return to your wallet.”
– The CoinDeal team

CoinDeal Token (CDL) is $0.014432 USD at the time of publishing.

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