ChainUP’s financial derivatives brand EXUP launches blockchain ETF solution

ChainUP launches EXUP — a subsidiary brand for blockchain financial derivatives

Following last week’s announcement of the new financial derivatives platform EXUP by global blockchain technology service provider ChainUP, EXUP has launched an ETF (exchange traded fund) system solution to provide customized and SaaS services to global customers.

SaaS services are beneficial for exchanges to provide users with a variety of investment categories at low cost and with high efficiency. The ETFs can be customized in functions such as leverage allocation, weight allocation, purchase and redemption, and multi-dimensional reporting. ETFs have also greatly reduced investment costs, user thresholds, and investment risks, a commendable effort in meeting users’ diverse investment needs while reducing investor learning curves.

In traditional financial markets, leveraged ETFs are a very popular type of financial derivatives. The development of financial derivative markets has led to the use of leveraged financial derivatives such as stock index futures and swaps to achieve leveraged investment effects. Leveraged ETFs are considered an innovation over traditional ETFs, having the advantages of spot trading, no margin requirements, compounding interest or risk control, which is also why it should be used judiciously.

While the development of blockchain ETFs has mainly been in Europe and the US, EXUP hopes the launch of its new ETF system will open new investing and trading channels for customers in Asia.

With blockchain technology being increasingly used in diverse areas such as supply chain management, digital applications, the digitized entertainment industry, biotechnology, and even agriculture, ETFs built on blockchain are an effective investment tool for crypto tokens.

Presently, exchanges such as BBKX, BitSG, MOMO, Xuebi, GOKO, and others have already completed deploying the ETF system online through EXUP.

EXUP is the latest independent blockchain financial derivative brand launched by ChainUP. It is committed to providing customers with secure, stable and efficient blockchain financial derivatives services. Through a distributed system architecture based on microservices, its highly stable and reliable matching engine has been created to empower the financial ecosystem on blockchain. The team has provided financial derivatives technology services to more than 60 enterprises in more than 10 countries and regions around the world.

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