Safe Haven adds fundraising and charity pools to ThorBlock V2

Safe Haven, a blockchain platform for asset distribution, inheritance, and control, announced today that it has added Fundraising and Charity pools to the V2 version of ThorBlock, its turnkey communal funding solution on the VechainThor blockchain.

“For a proper upgrade, we wanted to ensure the additions of SHA utility, Fundraising, and Charity pools; a more user-friendly interface; the introduction of multiple wallet providers; and SafeID. All of these points have been met, integrated and tested, and we are proud to present ThorBlock v2.”
– The Save Haven Team

ThorBlock now boasts three pooling options (Pooling, Charity, Fundraising) designed to meet the needs of its user-base:

  • Private Pooling — A general pooling option, which does not have a specific focus, however, should be outside of the realms of both Charity and Fundraising.
  • Charity — Charitable pools can be established by both organizations and individuals.
  • Fundraising — Fundraising pools with a focus on innovation can be established by organizations and individuals.

ThorBlock also now allows for a more broad contribution spectrum, thus one can contribute to a pool utilizing all VIP-180 tokens.

Current Version 2 Feature Set

  • Contribution to a pool using any VIP-180 token, including VTHO
  • Real-time event listeners allow for mail notification of contribution
  • Comet, Sync and Arkane wallet integration
  • SafeID compatible
  • Three pooling options offering a higher user experience

Safe Haven has put together a ThorBlock document library which will guide new users in navigating the multiple pooling options.

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