Inheritance project Safe Haven joins VeChainThor Blockchain


The VeChain Foundation has announced that Safe Haven will be moving to the VeChainThor Blockchain. After reviewing their company’s technology, network, and background the VeChain team recognized “a true value added to its platform by working together in partnership. This partnership will allow users access to a host of necessary solutions for continuity.”

Safe Haven is building security and continuity solutions for various markets by integrating legal entities into a decentralized solution for the inheritance of passphrases, bank accounts, social media accounts, and cryptocurrency. They will utilize their patented Trust Alliance Network (TAN) to empower legal entities to provide guidance, assurance, and services for members on the Safe Haven Platform.

Safe Haven resolves the question that everyone should be considering: how would your loved ones and partners gain proper access to your digital legacy when you are gone?

They are offering four different products:

  • The Family Circle Plan (TFC) — The TFC is for those who want defined members of their inheritance to access their assets on the day of their passing.
  • The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) — This product allows companies to distribute authority, ownership, and assets in programmable smart contracts to be executed on a set event, outcome, or procedure.
  • Investment Circles — This is an improvement on the multisig wallet for those managing grouped funds to operate on their own defined terms and procedures.
  • Safe Haven Vault — On top of securing your digital assets (private-keys/seeds/passwords from FB, Google, documents,…) on the blockchain, you are able to distribute the necessary data to designated individuals under the terms you set.

The Safe Haven Family Circle Distribution Protocol has already been tested on the Ropsten network since the end of May, the team is planning to implement the other protection plans into their platform very soon.

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