TradeBlock integrates crypto account management tools for Silvergate


TradeBlock, a provider enterprise-grade data and post-trade infrastructure for cryptocurrencies, today announced a new partnership with Silvergate, providing users the ability to track asset balances and transactional activity.

With data from Silvergate now integrated on TradeBlock’s platform, fiat balance and activity can now be viewed in a consolidated interface alongside cryptocurrencies to increase visibility and automation in exchange account funding, OTC settlement, and portfolio management.

This integration builds on Silvergate’s technology and its proprietary API solutions. Its services include the Silvergate Exchange Network (SEN) for real-time payments, cash management solutions, foreign exchange, and regulatory compliant deposit accounts.

Serving the bitcoin market since 2013, Silvergate counts more than 650 digital currency exchanges, investors, and software providers as clients.

TradeBlock Technology

TradeBlock offers an enterprise-grade toolset for institutional cryptocurrency traders, complete with a powerful suite of market and blockchain data, as well as execution and post-trade tools for liquidity providers, asset managers, corporate clients, and exchanges, among others.

Clients of TradeBlock benefit from a number of services, all accessible via a browser-based frontend and programmatically via streaming feeds and APIs, including: an EMS for exchange connectivity; OMS for OTC transactions; seamless wallet integrations; KYC/AML automation; accounting tools; market-leading reporting tools; and, auditable records.

Additionally, TradeBlock offers real-time, USD-denominated spot price indices for various digital currencies that provide firms with an effective price discovery mechanism.

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