DAO.Casino awarded certificate of integrity by GLI for Signidice RNG


Blockchain-powered gambling platform DAO.Casino, today announced that following the full third-party evaluation of DAO.Casino’s Signidice Random Number Generator (RNG), it has been concluded to be exhibiting random behavior.

To certify Signidice’s randomness, Gaming Laboratories International, LLC (GLI) has awarded DAO.Casino the Certificate of Integrity

GLI’s Certificate of Integrity

DAO.Casino recently submitted Signidice RNG to GLI, to test and evaluate its randomness – to determine its suitability for iGaming. All relevant materials were freely submitted for random number generation analysis. The evaluation’s scope addressed software verification, source code review, and data analysis, testing for RNG’s capacity to produce random outcomes for Dice, Slots and Roulette games.

The Signidice RNG was evaluated against the RNG-specific requirements of the following technical standards:

  • UK Remote
  • Isle of Man
  • Malta Remote

“We’re pleased to report that GLI’s conclusion demonstrates that all tests applied to Signidice RNG data showed that Signidice RNG indeed exhibits random behavior, making it perfectly suitable for iGaming applications.”
– The DAO.Casino Team

DAO.Casino has also now opened the door to Validators, if interested you can learn more at daovalidator.com.

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