Bitrefill and ACINQ open the first 1 BTC Lightning Network channel


Bitrefill, a bitcoin gift card marketplace, announced today that in collaboration with Bitcoin technology company ACINQ, they have opened the first 1 BTC public channel on the Lightning Network using ACINQ’s Eclair implementation.

Eclair is a Scala implementation of the Lightning Network.

This is a customization of the current specification that removes the 0.16777216 BTC channel limit. The Bitrefill team has tested the channel and already transacted across it.

In the near future, Bitrefill plans to leverage this capability to raise the payment limits for people shopping at and bring increased liquidity to other aspects of the network and its Thor products.

“It was awesome working with ACINQ on this and we really appreciate all of their work to make this possible with us! We are strong believers that the Lightning Network is a big part of Bitcoin’s future and are happy to have people that are willing to be reckless with us! If you would like to learn more or collaborate with us to make more fat channels that add utility to your platform, please get in touch!”

The Bitrefill Team

View the 1 BTC lightning channel at

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