Dex Brokerage finalizes integration with Kyber Network

Dex Brokerage, a blockchain-driven, decentralized exchange for cryptocurrencies and derivatives, has announced the finalization of its integration with Kyber Network, the on-chain liquidity protocol. An advanced Ethereum based hybrid decentralized exchange, Dex Brokerage was established for trading ERC20 tokens and Ether.


Dex Brokerage, a blockchain-driven, decentralized exchange for cryptocurrencies and derivatives, has announced the finalization of its integration with Kyber Network, the on-chain liquidity protocol.

An advanced Ethereum based hybrid decentralized exchange, Dex Brokerage was established for trading ERC20 tokens and Ether. The exchange plans to offer tokenized assets representing stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments in the future. Dex Brokerage will also offer the ability to create, execute, and trade completely decentralized call and put options. The exchange supports limit and market orders, gas-free cancels, and multiple orders.

The Dex Brokerage team sought to develop an easy to use platform for any casual or professional trader to use, however, the team kept running into the same issue: liquidity. Integration with Kyber Network will aid in alleviating these issues.

Each of the reserves on Kyber represents decentralized liquidity powered by the community. The reserves comprise of dedicated liquidity providers that are connected to diverse stakeholders in the ecosystem. These include anyone tapped into the system creating an extensive network of reserves for everyone to trade through.

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“Finding a solution to the liquidity issue has always been a part of our dense roadmap, and I can’t thank the team at Kyber enough for what they’ve provided for us and the industry. Our integration with Kyber will be a key factor for us to grow our platform and ultimately push us one step closer to validating this maturing industry while providing the best service possible.”

Alex George, DEX Brokerage CEO

Alex is the founder of Dex Brokerage and has a background in software and systems engineering, and finance. His current focus is on modernizing the way financial transactions occur for assets like stocks and bonds, as well as cryptography-based assets. He is skilled in MATLAB, Simulink, C++, Ruby on Rails, React.js, Web3.js, and Solidity.

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