Decentralized exchange Bisq has rolled out a batch of new upgrades for its platform including a twofold increase in trade limits for altcoins, bringing the new trading limit to 2 BTC. According to Bisq, this new release takes care of both wallet and startup related issues which users have faced in recent times.
The platform says it has also fixed previously reported bugs and effected a number of UI tweaks in an attempt to maximize user experience. It will be recalled that earlier in 2019 Bisq overhauled its User Interface and launched the Bisq Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) on testnet.
Bisq allows users to trade their bitcoin for both fiat and other cryptocurrencies. Since it operates on a P2P network, traders can make direct transactions without a third party or external monitoring. The trading platform operates on a principle of zero trading censorship, using an open source framework to enable access to anybody with an internet connection.
Bisq Update Specifics
About 20 new updates were made to Bisq’s new DAO alone in this batch of updates. Most notably, there has been a 2x increase in trading limits for fiat and altcoins, trading fees can now be viewed in detail, and fixes have been implemented for bugs involving purging old proposals and screenshotting.
Apart from the increased trading limit, Bisq users can now see offers in the offer book dashboard, and select payment accounts in the fund offer screen. There is also an update on the “installer background image” for MacOS and for Windows, custom translations have been fixed.
The new UI tweaks include enhanced ease of resizing of buy and sell tables, a new altcoin disclaimer, and a fix for the problem that previously prevented a warning popup from coming up to signify “imported payment accounts.”
According to the project’s Github page, however, users may still experience issues if they run the software on a Windows system, and so Linux or OSX are recommended instead. A reason given for this is that Windows computers are significantly more vulnerable to malware than Linux or OSX.
Bisq reports that it has removed Gridcoin (GRC) and ZeroOneCoin (ZOC), and added 19 new assets to the platform as part of the update. The new assets added include:
Adeptio (ADE), Askcoin (ASK), Augmint Euro (AEUR), AustraliaCash (AUS), BitDaric (DARX), Cash2 (CASH2), Credits (CRDS), CRowdCLassic (CRCL), DAI Stablecoin (DAI), DeepOnion (ONION), Fujicoin (FJC), LitecoinZ (LTZ), Lytix (LYTX), Mile (MILE), Persona (PRSN), TrueUSD (TUSD), USD Coin (USDC), VectorspaceAI (VXV), ZelCash (ZEL).

Trading takes place on a global P2P network of users running Bisq on their own machines.