Jelurida launches major new version of the Ardor blockchain platform


Jelurida, creators of the NXT and Ardor blockchains recently released Ardor version 2.2.1, a mandatory upgrade which will activate three powerful new features on mainnet around January 10, 2019: Ignis Lightweight Contracts, Asset Properties (name/value metadata for assets), and the Max Property Group child chain.

The Turing-complete Ignis Lightweight Contracts, coded in Java is the Ardor platform’s response to the limitations of first-generation smart contracts. This new type of smart contracts allows businesses to easily manage contract lifecycles, automate business processes, and seamlessly integrate relevant aspects of external systems with the distributed ledger.

The Asset Properties feature, allows for the ability to assign name/value metadata to assets, and significantly expands the platform’s supply chain capabilities by making it easier than ever to tokenize assets and link their relationships. A simple example would be tokenizing a farm, the various trees as related to the farm, and the fruit produced as related to each tree.

Last, in an extension of the Ardor (ARDR) platform’s real-world use cases, the Max Property Group (MPG) child chain will go live, bringing real estate offerings and investments to the Ardor ecosystem.

All users must upgrade to this Ardor release before Jan 9, 2019 (block height 543000), as it is mandatory. All public nodes, exchanges, block explorers, forging pools, etc, should upgrade to 2.2.1 or later before that date.

Download packages and the source is now available on the Jelurida repository at Bitbucket.

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