Kyber Network, an on-chain liquidity protocol enabling decentralized token swaps to be integrated into any application has recently introduced the Kyber Trading API, a REST API that gives users access to on-chain liquidity without much smart contract experience.
Applications written in a variety of programming languages can now integrate in a much simpler way than before. The Trading API’s role is to allow a user to be able to programmatically interact with the Kyber Network contract without an in-depth understanding of blockchain and smart contracts. Currently, the API supports only ETH/ERC20 trades.
How To Use The API
To interact with the trading API, the user is required to have some programming experience and basic knowledge of the web3 such as signing and broadcasting transactions to the Ethereum network.
The APIs return a JSON formatted transaction payload which the user can serialize, encode and broadcast to the Ethereum blockchain using web3. The payload is configured such that no further modification from the user is necessary. For more information on how the API works, Kyber has released a tutorial, along with the full API reference and trading API guide within their developer portal.
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