Blocknet introduces trade history and XWallet technology with new wallet update

Blocknet, the blockchain agnostic decentralized platform-as-a-service today released a wallet update that includes updates to proposal voting, coin control, trade history and integration of Blocknet’s new XWallet technology.

The development of trade history and XWallets represent completed milestones on the Blocknet Q3 roadmap. The Blocknet team said that the focus of this release was to extend the capabilities of the Blocknet Protocol and improve the user experience within the Blocknet Wallet.

More details on the updates can be viewed below:

Trade History – An on-chain transaction history service is now part of the Blocknet Protocol, which will allow completed orders to be viewed via API. Trade history APIs will be released to the public this month with another wallet update and integrated into Block DX to show price history.

XWallets – The Blocknet protocol can now determine which blockchains each Service Node supports. This will allow developers to identify which blockchains are ready for SPV and XRouter services so that developers can begin to harness contracts and protocols from other blockchains to create cross-chain dApps. As XRouter matures, Blocknet service nodes will begin supporting more and more blockchains, opening the door to trustless SPV support for any application. Within the wallet, commands can be found by typing “help” in the console.

Simplified Proposal Viewing – For proposals, there is an easily navigable list with the most recent proposals at the top. Additionally, this list can also be sorted and filtered by proposal status.

Simplified Proposal Voting – Voting can now be performed through the UI by selecting the proposal and casting a vote using the ‘yes,” “no” or “abstain” checkboxes.

Coin Control – Coin control has been redesigned and improved. Coin control is now in a separate window, providing a less cluttered view. It is much easier to choose and apply various coin control settings such as manual customized inputs that are displayed in a list configuration.

Coin Control screen #1 – Selection of transaction fees is now on a separate screen for further clarity.

Coin Control Screen #2 – Functions are no longer hidden and buried within menus, more operations can be accessed in a maximum of 2 clicks, built in C++ (rather than Electron) for greater security.

Following this release, there will soon be another Block DX update, which will introduce these features: DX Automated Setup, place order by price, taker fees.

The Blocknet team said:

“There is still much work happening on the Blocknet Wallet. With each new release, more features are being added and screens are being remastered to match the new look. In September, Blocknet will be doing another major wallet release as signified on the roadmap.”

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