With larger partnerships than EOS, ADA, LTC, and TRON combined HYDRO establishes itself as legit


Hydrogen cemented its legitimacy amongst the top blockchain projects in its partnership with TD Bank, a top 15 world bank with over $1.2 trillion in assets. Outside of Bitcoin and Ethereum, only Ripple’s deal with Santander and Stellar’s deal with IBM can claim a more impressive real-world partner.

This seems to be due to the fact that they have a working product ready for mass adoption. The team released the first phase of Hydro Raindrop in the iOS Appstore and Google Play store in the past weeks. Raindrop aims to replace Google Authenticator and SMS two-factor authentication (2FA) which are both prone to phishing attacks.

Raindrop is also completely decentralized, the driving force of the crypto space and which easily lends itself to mass adoption by the top crypto exchanges. It is also designed to be free for use by both customers and clients. The team is hopeful industry companies, such as exchanges, will see the flaws in their current 2FA systems in protecting their users’ wallets and switch.

Winners of the Luxembourg Fintech Start-Up of the Year Award for 2018 just weeks ago marked the second time the Kane brothers who founded Hydrogen have won a prestigious fintech award.  Their previous startup Hedgeable, an online investing app, successfully disrupted the asset wealth management market enough that Hydrogen was born out of this growing investment firm interest. Hedgeable made waves in the investment class and was the keynote lunch panel at Citi Bank’s Asset Management Conference in 2015 alongside executives from TD Ameritrade, NASDAQ, and Fidelity.

Through these relationships in the financial sector, many large financial enterprises expressed interest in the team and their new venture. Also, among those recently signed on with Hydrogen is Principal Investment Group which have $673.8 billion assets under management and CI Investments with $143.1 billion assets under management. Along with TD Bank, these financial enterprises have an agreement with Hydrogen to use the entire platform and all of its pending phases with the Hydro token.

The team is just about ready for testing of the 2nd phase of their blockchain project with ‘Snowflake’, an identity management layer, and has already started the white paper of the next phase ‘Ice’ a document signing protocol, followed by ‘Tide’ a payment protocol, and finally ‘Mist’ an AI machine learning protocol. All phases support each other within the Hydro ecosystem and have a wealth of use case potential within the fintech world. This is sure to attract more top partnerships around the globe with each release this year.

Of the top 100 crypto projects, only 29 actually have a working product, of those 29 – less than 7 are being used in the real world. As one of those 7, the team at Hydro is in very rare position in the crypto sphere as their first product is released into the marketplace.

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