Crypto-mining marketplace NiceHash repayment program more than halfway through


NiceHash, one of the largest crypto-mining marketplaces announced it will do the sixth reimbursement of its Repayment program to all users on Monday, July 2, 2018. Users will receive 10% and this now marks the reimbursement of more than half of the funds – already 55% in total. NiceHash created the Repayment program for NiceHash internal wallet users and external wallet users that were affected by the security breach that happened in December 2017.

The Repayment program started on Friday, February 2, 2018, and 45% of the old balance amount was already reimbursed to all users that were impacted by the security breach. All users will be fully reimbursed, at the same time and under same conditions. Every new part of the reimbursement program will be announced in advance and users are able to monitor repayment progress.

If any user notices he had not received any respective payment, such user is asked to immediately notify NiceHash in order to receive such payment. The old balance will be repaid in Bitcoins (BTC) and not in the fiat value or any other cryptocurrency.

The Repayment program has some differences regarding the reimbursement to internal and to external wallets. Below is more detailed information and instructions for internal wallet users and external wallet users.

Repayment program for internal wallet users

Users that were registered on the NiceHash platform before December 6, 2017, can log in to their account and can see the old balance tab under the Wallet section on their Dashboard. The old balance shows the total amount of Bitcoins (BTC) that users had in their wallet address prior to the attack. Forty-five percent of the old balance was already reimbursed by NiceHash to users current balances, and the sixth repayment of ten percent will be executed on Monday, July 2, 2018. If you have missed the initial payment of ten percent in February, you will now get 55% of the old balance to your current balance by entering the repayment program.

Repayment program for external wallet users

Users who were not registered with NiceHash at the time of the attack and were using the NiceHash service with their external wallet address are also included in the Repayment program. External wallet users can go to the following page and enter their external wallet address (that they were using at the time of the attack) to see their old balance and monitor the repayment progress. NiceHash will reimburse ten percent of the old balance to external wallet users on Monday, July 2, 2018.

Forty-five percent of the old balance amount was already reimbursed under “Reimbursed pending”. Conditions for payment to external wallet addresses do apply to the Repayment program! When you reach 0.001 BTC you are eligible for payment. NiceHash is including your unpaid balance in this amount. For example, if your old balance (that is going to be reimbursed) is 0.0009 BTC, you still have to mine an additional 0.0001 BTC (showed as unpaid balance) to this external wallet address so you reach the payment threshold of 0.001 BTC in total (reimbursed pending + unpaid balance). Once the combined balance shows 0.001 BTC, payment will be made to your external wallet address. NiceHash will only reimburse the funds to the addresses that were in use at the time of the attack. NiceHash cannot repay to any other wallet address as we do not have a KYC process for external wallet users.

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