Tutellus proves that blockchain in education makes sense


In 2017 cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin became the key buzzwords of the year. This isn’t surprising – Bitcoin began the year at close to $900 and reached a peak of almost $20 000 in December. It’s not just huge volumes and growth within the market that provide a reason for the heightened interest, but the underlying technology of blockchain.

With each passing day, we are witnessing the potential for distributed ledger technology to capture the imagination of people and industries around the world. But while sectors such as banking, retailing and marketing are quick to adopt innovative new technologies, the education system can often be slow on the uptake.

Nevertheless, some institutions within the system have already implemented blockchain as a key element of student financing, globalized verification of academic credentials, development of digital knowledge banks and token-based incentive systems.

For instance, Holberton School in San Francisco, which offers project-based education, uses blockchain technology to create and store issued certificates. In addition, universities such as the University of Nicosia, Simon Fraser University (BC), King’s College (New York), and FPT University (Vietnam) have already begun accepting cryptocurrency for tuition fees.

One such blockchain-based newcomer is Tutellus, the biggest online collaborative platform in the Spanish-speaking world. Underpinned by NEM blockchain technology, the Tutellus platform connects students with teachers and headhunters. Tutellus CEO, Miguel Caballero, believes the ecosystem can entirely replace the traditional education:

“The traditional model is failing to prepare students for specific jobs. In contrast, Tutellus has a base of 130 000 different video courses to enable students to access relevant knowledge. Our novel educational model with a system of incentives at its core will create win-win terms for both students and teachers, allowing the former to earn money while learning and the latter to be remunerated according to their impact in the success of their students”

Tutellus ecosystem provides two kinds of tokens for its users: TUT and Smart TUT (STUT). The former, TUT token, is designed for clients to be able to purchase services and video courses on the platform. The students’ relevance and rating will be measured in STUT (Smart TUT) tokens.

Tutellus has partnered with Cryptonomos to conduct its ICO, which begins on June 12, 2018. It will remain open until either July 12 or the hardcap of $40 million is reached.


  1. Exchange rate: 1 ETH = 15 000 TUT;
  2. Min. contribution: 0.05 ETH;
  3. Acceptable means of payment: ETH, BTC, XEM, LTC, BCH, ZCASH, DASH.
  4. Bonuses for early birds: up to 10%. Tutellus also offers special bonuses for large investors that are discussed individually with every purchaser.

It is noteworthy that Tutellus public sale will not be open to citizens, residents or green card holders of the USA (including Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and any other protectorate of the USA) or other representatives of the USA.

Tutellus plans to allocate the funds to product and engineering (40%), sales and marketing (20%), publicity and PR (20%), operations (10%), security, loyalty and reserves (10%).

To participate in Tutellus ICO, visit the website tutellus.cryptonomos.com and go through the Know Your Client (KYC) procedure to enter the whitelist.

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