Hyperledger announces production-ready Hyperledger Fabric 1.0

Hyperledger, the collaborative cross-industry effort created to advance blockchain technology, announced today the general availability of Hyperledger Fabric 1.0. Hosted by The Linux Foundation, Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework implementation and intended as a foundation for developing blockchain applications, products or solutions.
Hyperledger Fabric offers a modular architecture allowing components, such as consensus and membership services, to be plug-and-play. It leverages container technology to host smart contracts called “chaincode” that comprise the application logic of the system. Just 16 months ago, Hyperledger Fabric became the first of the eight Hyperledger projects to be incubated. Hyperledger Fabric was also the first of the Hyperledger projects to exit incubation to “Active” status in March, after a year in incubation.
The efforts around Hyperledger Fabric have grown into a true, vibrant community including engineers from: Arxan, Cloudsoft,  CLS, d20 Technical Services, The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), Digital Asset, Fujitsu, GE, Gemalto, HACERA, Hitachi, Huawei Technologies, Hyperchain, ImpactChoice,  IT People, Knoldus, The Linux Foundation, Netease, Passkit, State Street Bank, SecureKey, IBM, SAP, Thoughtworks and Wanda Group. There were also contributions from 35 unaffiliated individuals. In total, 159 developers have contributed to Hyperledger Fabric.
Hyperledger aims to create common distributed ledger technology that enables organizations to build and run robust, industry-specific applications, platforms and hardware systems to support their individual business transactions.
The project has grown to more than 145 members since its inception, spanning various industries including finance, healthcare, the Internet of Things, credit card services, supply chain, and aeronautics, among several others.
A couple of member company’s chimed in on the announcement
Tom Zschach, Chief Information Officer, CLS said:

“Hyperledger Fabric is a foundational component of CLSNet – a service we are developing for bilateral payment netting of FX trades. We are very pleased with our collaboration with IBM and the tremendous progress over the past year in developing Hyperledger Fabric to meet the requirements of the wider financial industry. The high standards, attention to quality and rigor with which this open source project has been governed gives us the confidence in Hyperledger Fabric as a DLT platform for large-scale enterprise use cases.”

Eric Vaughn, Co-founder, and CTO at BlocLedger commented:

“We view Hyperledger Fabric as the ideal platform for integrating the benefits of blockchain with existing enterprise software solutions. As an early adopter of Hyperledger Fabric, we witnessed the open-source/open-governance software development from the early days of version 0.6 to the recent version 1.0 release candidate. We are impressed by the completeness and sophistication of the architecture and believe it will be the fundamental platform for large scale blockchain deployment in the enterprise.”

August 3rd Webinar on Hyperledger Fabric 1.0
Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf and Hyperledger Fabric Co-Release Manager Jonathan Levi are inviting those interested to join in on a live webinar to learn about the important release, and to gain the tools needed to get started using Hyperledger Fabric 1.0. The webinar will be August 3rd at 10:00 AM Pacific, 1:00 PM Eastern.
Video explaining Fabric in more detail is below
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKa5Gh9whgU[/embedyt]

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