HitBTC releases new API for advanced traders


European bitcoin exchange HitBTC announced today a working alpha version of its new API. The platform’s API already provides easy and stable integration and satisfies the needs of algorithmic traders.

The newly developed API is designed specifically for advanced traders, the improved technology and enhancements include:

– Authorization is faster and easier
– Volumes are displayed in natural terms of currency, no lots anymore
– Error codes are standardized
– Unambiguous and uniform representation of data throughout the API
– An advanced mechanism for new order creation
– The possibility to obtain the status of trades via the REST interface

This improves upon what HitBTC already provides including:

– Supports all functions provided by the exchange
– 3 types of protocols: REST, WebSocket, FIX provide an opportunity to individually select the functionality needed to trade and collect market data
– The REST protocol provides users with the opportunity to receive (simultaneously and everywhere) market data, perform trading operations and manage funds (deposits, transfers, payments)
– The high-speed WebSocket protocol allows you receive and send data at the same time, ideally suited for high-frequency commerce: the speed of tasks depends only on network delays (less than one millisecond), you can receive real-time messages
– The FIX API is designed specifically for advanced traders to migrate from popular fiat exchanges, using all their professional tools, persistence included
– API has been updated with TSL secure encryption

All products are pre-tested by a team of experts, HitBTC wanted to note that the earlier version of the API will keep on working and will not be deactivated as long as at least one client continues to use it.

The alpha version can be found now on GitHub.

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