‘Swap protocol’ for P2P trading of Ethereum tokens releases white paper


The team developing the Swap protocol, a peer-to-peer methodology for trading ERC20 based tokens on the Ethereum blockchain released its white paper today named, Swap: A Peer-to-Peer Protocol for Trading Ethereum Tokens.

The Swap protocol looks to assist in providing more efficient trading systems for the growing demand for a decentralized asset exchange on the Ethereum network.

The introduction to the Whitepaper states:

“The number of digital assets on Ethereum over the past twelve months has increased aggressively as more and more use cases are implemented as smart contracts. It is our thesis that this trend will continue into the future; as such we believe this growth will augment the demand to swap into and out of assets as users move between use cases or rebalance their tokenized portfolios.”

“Exchanges based on blockchain order books match asset supply and demand but are not without inherent limitations, many of which can be mitigated with design decisions outlined in this paper. We seek to provide an alternative to blockchain order books by specifying a set of protocols that unlock asset liquidity and free the Ethereum ecosystem to progress without such limitations.”

With the founders publishing a Whitepaper and opening up the discussion, the Swap protocol team now seeks comments from ecosystem stakeholders with the aim to produce high-quality protocols to enable a wide variety of real-world applications.

Current team members consist of:

  • Michael Oved, Founder – Experience in automated trading, financial technology, and electronic markets
  • Don Mosites, Founder – Experience in product design, full stack engineering, and building developer platforms
  • Deepa Sathaye, Engineer – Experience in financial trading systems and infrastructure development
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