Multi-coin wallet Jaxx hires Charlie Shrem as Director of Business & Community Development


Decentral, creators of the leading multi-asset, multi-platform wallet, Jaxx, announced today that Bitcoin pioneer Charlie Shrem will join the company as Director of Business & Community Development.

Within this role, Shrem will manage partnerships, advance the integration roadmap, and join CEO and Founder Anthony Di Iorio in promoting the Jaxx brand and vision to the community.

Charlie Shrem joins Jaxx

Shrem and Di Iorio connected as early Bitcoin investors several years ago and remained close friends as Shrem founded the Bitcoin Foundation and BitInstant, while Di Iorio founded Ethereum and KryptoKit, as well as the Bitcoin Alliance of Canada in 2013.

“I’ve always been attracted to Decentral’s mission to build the universal blockchain interface for the masses,” Shrem said. “Jaxx is helping to advance the entire ecosystem by providing users with a simple way to control their digital assets. I’m convinced this multi-platform, the multi-asset command center will do for blockchain technology what the browser once did for the internet.”

With the addition of Shrem, dozens of integration partners, and support for over a dozen currencies and platforms already in place, Jaxx is positioned to become the ultimate dashboard for all things blockchain.

“Charlie is a true leader in the blockchain industry, and our vision is aligned to unite the blockchain community and provide tools that allow everyone control of their digital lives,” Di Iorio said. “We’re shifting from the information age towards the age of digital value, and Charlie and I believe that providing users with simple, secure, seamless control over their digital assets will fuel the paradigm shift towards decentralized personal freedom-oriented technologies.”

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