Bill Brindise to head Bitfinex’s new OTC trading desk


With many traders expressing interest in the ability to make larger trades directly with a counterparty without having to go through public order books, Hong Kong-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex today announced they have officially launched their new Over The Counter (OTC) Trading Desk.

Heading up the desk will be Bill Brindise, the former Chief Trading Officer of DigitalX. He brings with him over three years of digital currency trading experience and contacts throughout the industry.

Before trading digital currencies, Bill spent 18 years trading and brokering energies and metals on the NYMEX floor and in the OTC markets.

Two ways to take advantage of the OTC desk

  1. Access instant liquidity through Bill Brindise at [email protected]
  2. Trade directly with another Bitfinex user

In addition to facilitating OTC trades, Bill will be the product manager for the OTC platform facility as well as Bitfinex’s upcoming daily auction product.

The Bitfinex private OTC Market is an avenue for traders seeking to perform large trades directly with a counterparty, bypassing the public order books. Trades performed via the OTC Market provide access to large liquidity without affecting the exchange market price.

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