Bitcoin Merchant Payments

Accept Bitcoin, Litecoin & More Coins – Merchant payment gateway for 50+ cryptocurrencies

Receive payouts in Euros, U.S. Dollars or Bitcoin

How it Works – Accept Bitcoin Payments on Any Store

  • Step 1 – You are selling a product or service in your store and set the price in a currency of your choice (for example 10€).
  • Step 2 – We calculate how much bitcoins it is worth, in real-time, by selecting the best price from several Bitcoin exchanges.
  • Step 3 – Your Customer pays with bitcoins and Altcoins.
  • Step 4 – You receive 9.90€ (10€ – 1% processing fee).


  • Bitcoin Point of Sale – CoinGate Point of Sale app allows you to accept Bitcoin payments in your retail business using an Android app or an iOS app on a smartphone or a tablet, or using any kind of internet-enabled device with an internet browser.
  • E-commerce Plugins – Plugins, modules, and extensions for various e-commerce shopping cart platforms allow you to integrate Bitcoin payments seamlessly into your existing online store.
  • Bitcoin Payment API – CoinGate Payment API allows you to integrate and accept Bitcoin payments on any online store with more customization.
  • Payment Buttons – CoinGate payment buttons allow you to accept Bitcoin donations and other simple payments on your website.


  • Irreversible Payments – Bitcoin payments are irreversible by design. This means that you can accept payments from any country and be 100% guaranteed that the money you received will not be charged back.
  • Customer Privacy – Bitcoin payments do not rely on trusting the person making the payment, so there is no need to collect private information about your Customers to accept their payments. Bitcoin enables you to choose how little or how much you want to know about your Customers.
  • Lower Fees – Credit card companies usually charge up to 3% of the transaction amount and there are various additional fees. With CoinGate you can accept Bitcoin payments for only 1% of the transaction amount and there are no monthly, registration, or support fees.
  • Additional Customers – People using Bitcoin are usually very supportive of companies accepting Bitcoin payments. This helps to attract new customers and to increase your sales.


  • SEPA Fee (0%) – Withdraw EUR using this method. Your bank may charge a fee for receiving payments, you should contact your bank to inquire about their fees.
  • International Bank (bank fees) – Withdraw EUR and USD using this method. You will have to pay all transaction fees.
  • Advcash (Advcash Fees) –  Withdraw EUR and USD using this method. You will have to pay all transaction fees.
  • Bitcoin Fee = 0% – Withdraw BTC using this method. We will pay the Bitcoin network transaction fee.


CoinGate is a payment gateway for blockchain payments. Having started off in 2014, we have made it our mission to grow the adoption of cryptocurrencies on a global scale. With this in mind, CoinGate provides a reliable payment infrastructure that caters to the needs of both merchants and their customers: accessible, convenient and customer-oriented. To bridge the gap between cryptocurrency owners, who are looking for ways to use their coins for purchasing goods and services, and merchants, that can easily utilize the benefits of blockchain to grow their businesses, are among our top aims.