Crypto exchange enables multi-chain single asset deposits and withdrawals

Crypto exchange enables multi-chain single asset deposits and withdrawals, the popular cryptocurrency exchange, today announced that it has launched multi-chain support for deposits and withdrawals. This allows exchange users to receive and send assets across multiple blockchain-supported single assets to and from their Liquid account.

For the initial launch, Liquid added support for the Stellar (USDC)-based version and the USDT (TRC-20) version; in addition to the Ethereum network.

This new multi-chain support for single assets allows users to experience lower withdrawal fees and faster withdrawals for tokens across different chains; while moving away from the technological challenges of dealing with multiple wallets and private keys.

More Supported Blockchains Coming

In the near future, Liquid plans to extend its multi-chain support to other assets and blockchain networks; including USDC, USDT, GYEN, XSGD, IDRT, with blockchain interoperability for Stellar, Tron, Zilliqa, Algorand, Solana, and more to follow.

“Liquid is committed to promoting cryptocurrency adoption by introducing a technologically superior alternative to traditional payment rails. We’re taking a blockchain agnostic approach because we want to give maximum flexibility for our users to access diverse blockchain ecosystems. Being blockchain agnostic means, Liquid users can optimize for transaction time and network fees and access fast emerging ecosystems in DeFi and Dapps.”
– COO, Seth Melamed

To celebrate the new feature, Liquid is waiving all withdrawal fees for USDC (Stellar) and USDT (TRC-20).

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