Token for blockchain communications app FortKnoxster (FKX) listed on Uniswap

Token for blockchain communications app FortKnoxster (FKX) listed on Uniswap

FortKnoxster, a cyber-security company specialized in developing blockchain-powered communications apps, today announced the listing of its FKX token on Uniswap.

The FortKnoxster app is an advanced encryption platform for the secure exchange of sensitive and confidential information between companies and their customers.

With FKX already listed on cryptocurrency exchange KuCoin, the Uniswap listing further strengthens FKX-token availability, usability, and liquidity.

FortKnoxster Solution

FortKnoxster facilitates secure transfers of documents and files by applying default military-grade encryption to the process. The solution is easy to use and works across all platforms.

The app helps enterprises stay safe and compliant, essentially providing peace of mind for clients — and their customers.

“With several companies already using FortKnoxster’s encryption platform for securely exchanging sensitive information between organizations and their customers (i.e. KYC info, bank statements, credit card information, etc.), as well as internally between board-members and top-management (i.e. strategy-plans, budgets, M&A-material, etc.), FortKnoxster expects solid growth in its token-liquidity. Users can also pay for platform access with FKX.”
– The FortKnoxster Team

FortKnoxster is currently working on listing the FKX-token on additional trading platforms and will announce such listings in due time.

Note, token holders can also benefit from this listing by providing liquidity and get rewarded with a 0.3% fee for every transaction.

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