Staking liquidity protocol Stafi joins the Substrate Builders Program

Staking liquidity protocol Stafi joins the Substrate Builder Program

Stafi, a decentralized protocol that provides the liquidity for Staking assets, today announced that it has become a member of the Substrate Builders Program. Parity, the organization behind the Program, wants to create a space for substrate builders to address unique questions and needs for the project.

“After joining the Builders Program, the Stafi team will explore the blockchain world with various developers to support their development. According to the current development situation, Stafi’s development is progressing smoothly, and it is about to enter the stage of the public testnet. So stay tuned for the liquid Staking assets.”
– The Stafi Team


The Stafi protocol solves the contradiction between the token liquidity and mainnet security by issuing ABT tokens; which provides the liquidity for the user’s Staking assets. ABT token increases the staking rate to a higher level (100%, theoretically), and it could be tradable, its security is guided by the STAFI protocol which ensures ABT token is the only collateral that can apply to redeem staking assets from original staking blockchains (Tezos, Cosmos, Polkadot, etc.).

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