Crypto accounting software firm Verady completes SOC 1 certification review

Crypto accounting software firm Verady completes SOC 1 certification review

Verady, a provider of cryptocurrency accounting, reporting and verification capabilities through its Ledgible platform, today announced it has completed its System and Organization Control (SOC) 1 Type 1 certification used for processing blockchain transactions.

Founded in 2016, Verady specialized in helping audit companies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain space. Since then, the company expanded its services into accounting and taxes.

“At Verady, we believe it is important for the integrity of the organization to have SOC compliance. Cryptocurrency is new to many and this audit shows Verady has met and exceeded standards set for cryptocurrency accounting, financial reporting, and accounting tools for our customers in the blockchain industry. Further, we are continuing to work with our certifying firm on extending our SOC Audit to include continuous Type 2 issuance as well.”
– Kell Canty, CEO of Verady

Accuracy and quality of data is a priority for the company so it can offer a solution that meets high standards and integrity. SOC is a universal framework developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)  to verify security compliance and a strong system of internal controls by financial and technological institutions.

The report was issued by a leading audit, tax and advisory firm focused on the investment industry. The SOC engagement included a months-long, detailed, in-depth examination of Verady’s systems, processes, and controls to ensure SOC 1 compliance.

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