Blockchain betting app ZenSports 2019 Q4 volume increases 5x from Q3

Betting app ZenSports Q4 volume increases 5x from Q3 2019

ZenSports, a P2P betting application powered by blockchain, announced today its 2019 Q4 dividend payout was made last Thursday, January 9, 2020. Q4 was over 5x higher than Q3 in terms of betting volume, which resulted in 1,361,783,353.45 SPORTS tokens being paid out.

The breakdown between Maker and Taker betting volume for the quarter can be seen below:

Quarter Maker SPORTS Volume Taker SPORTS Volume Total SPORTS Volume Adjustments For Prior Quarter Dividends To Distribute
FY 2019 Q3 136,160,105.6 129,945,242.3 266,105,347.90 0.00 266,105,347.90
FY 2019 Q4 658,219,235.8
1,368,225,373.30 -6,442,019.85 1,361,783,353.45

The sale of SPORT security tokens was completed in early 2019 and is no longer open to investors. The intent for SPORT is to be a dividend token, whereby SPORT security token holders will earn dividends on betting volume.

SPORTS utility tokens, are offered as a true utility token. It is only used as a mechanism for betting and earning rewards through the ZenSports app and network. SPORTS can be bought, sold, and traded via an exchange called DCoin, a top 40 exchange by trading volume.

Both SPORT and SPORTS tokens are built on ICON’s blockchain. ICON has created its own wallet to manage tokens. Users need to create an ICONex wallet to manage their SPORT and/or SPORTS Tokens.

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