Startup trends in 2019

Startups when new, usually small, have a sizable advantage against their competitors; innovation and inclusion in changing market conditions. 2018 witnessed many changes in these startups which were mostly driven by the implementation of new technology. In the year 2018, 95% of the startups had implemented digital business plans. 55% of startups had adopted a digital business strategy.

Here are 7 startup trends you need to focus to make an impact in 2019:

  1. Artificial intelligence

AI is no longer considered a concept. It already comprises a big percentage of current business initiatives. It’s in the marketing tools, digital ads, Crypto Profit, customer service platforms and your smartphone.

AI is not exactly similar to machine learning (which means the algorithms whose performance keeps on improving as they get exposed to more and more info). However, it could be said that AI and machine learning are linked.

With a few data points, an AI can perform tasks like writing a news article, identifying objects in images, choosing winning stocks and even can recommend a new pair of sneakers. Startups that will find new applications for AI will turn out to be successful in 2019.

  1. Remote Work

In 2018, it was reported that almost 3.9 million Americans were working from home at least half of the week. Meanwhile, more than 55% of Americans were working full-time remotely, a figure that would be unbelievable a decade ago.

This has been possible because of the expansion of internet broadband service to almost every part of the country along with digitalization of office tasks which has left a little reason to commute to work. Startups around the world are opting for this modern approach to increase productivity.

  1. Voice Recognition Technology

When Apple released virtual assistant Siri with its iPhone 4S in 2011, it left the customers intrigued and excited. The reason for that was the fact that one could speak or talk to Siri and make it perform tasks like casino games or searching something on the web.

To succeed in 2019, it is not necessary for startups to develop their own voice recognition device because there are plenty of options to develop apps, proprietary algorithms and other functions within the voice technology space. If you combine this with AI, it would prove a major beneficial point for the success of startups.

  1. Hyper-Personalization

In recent times, digital marketing has evolved immensely. This has caused the customers to build certain expectations from the brands. They want those brands to know them and give them what they want whenever they want it. Now, consumers seek full information before they make an online purchase. So the companies that are honest in providing info to their customers have more chances to be successful.


Startups have increased significantly in recent times. With more and more benefits and the introduction of advanced technology, people are now interested in starting new businesses without worrying much. However, there are certain trends that need to be taken care of before starting a new business.

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