Oasis Labs launches API suite to improve DApp usability

DApp API Oasis

Oasis Labs, a privacy-first cloud computing platform powered by blockchain, has launched the Oasis Gateway, an easy-to-use API suite designed to improve the usability of DApps. It enables developers to build products that can appeal to all users, whether they are experienced with blockchain or not.

The Oasis Gateway is a component of the Oasis infrastructure that is publicly available for developers running services on the Oasis Network.

“At its core, the developer-gateway owns a wallet, and acts as a wallet for client transactions. Clients send blobs of data, and the developer gateway generates and signs transactions out of these blobs, to be immediately submitted to an Oasis node. This means that the developer-gateway can pay transaction fees on behalf of the user. In this model, if the owner of the developer-gateway expects to make money from the end user, they will have to use standard business model — just like centralized applications. This will provide a more familiar, comfortable experience to end-users that in turn will promote adoption.”
– Estanislau Augé-Pujadas, Oasis Labs Engineer

The developer-gateway service providers manage the wallet. This means that it will not execute transactions that it doesn’t need to.

Main APIs

There are two main APIs on the gateway, detailed below:

Execute Service

The main API provided by the developer-gateway and which is central to its design executes a service. This is similar to executing a transaction in which there is no transfer of tokens, and there is no deployment of a contract. A contract already exists and a client wants to execute it.

There is no transaction receipt exposed, and none of the internals for the verification or execution of the transaction is exposed.

Deploy Service

This API is the equivalent of a transaction with an amount of 0 tokens and deploys a contract.

More information can be found on the Oasis GitHub.

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