Hyperion launches store for its blockchain powered map data layer service


Hyperion, a blockchain-powered map service, recently announced the launch of the Titan Map Store, a decentralized map data layer service. Via the map store, users can access various open-source map layers for more convenient and personalized route planning.

For example, when someone needs to check nearby U.S. Embassy or Consulate location, they can view the location details through the Embassy and Consulate map layer. In the meantime, the map store circulates the value generated by Hyperion decentralized MapChain to sustain the decentralized map community.

Open and Decentralized Blockchain

The Hyperion team has built a Peer-2-Peer network for Location-based-service (LBS), whereby data can be generated from mobile devices, and distributed/shared within the network built based on open-source and encrypted technology. This way, the service fee charged to business users will be rewarded to each participant of the decentralized network.

Hyperion MapChain natively integrates the innovative Spatial Consensus Protocol (SCP) to reach the consensus of static location data (map) and dynamic location data (localization) in a secure and verifiable manner. With Hyperion’s decentralized architecture, maps can be better suited for smarter cities, geospatial services, automotive and more.

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