Today, cryptocurrency exchange Fedlio has opened, it is from the same people who operated BiteBTC, an exchange with mixed user reviews and scam complaints.
Fedlio notified it is operating as the “successor” to the BiteBTC exchange, and the notice informed that all accounts, balances, transactions, and other data have now been transferred to Fedlio.
The update related that Fedlio is assuming all obligations to return the funds that were frozen at BiteBTC. Additionally, the update read, “as part of new and updated exchange KYC procedures, all blocked user accounts will be moved to the status of temporarily suspended. This group of users will have the opportunity to provide data to restore their accounts.”
Fedlio puts on its website to be owned by the Seychelles Commercial Bank. The update ended by declaring, “the main priorities in the development of the new exchange are the improvement of the quality of trading instruments, unfreezing user accounts, the launch of OTC trading for large financial institutions, and the preservation of a simple and reliable way of withdrawing fiat funds.”