Particl, the open-source, decentralized blockchain agnostic platform, today released Particl Desktop 1.4 on Github, which is a mandatory update containing all of the tweaks required for the client to be ready for the upcoming RingCT and Bulletproofs hardfork on July 16th.
The new version automatically updates its Particl Core version to the next time users open the client. Failure to update the client in time will result in all transactions being invalidated. Users will also not be able to stake directly from the client and receive staking rewards.
This update to the client is in preparation for the mainnet hardfork on July 16th. The hardfork will enable RingCT, which are unlinkable and untraceable onchain transactions. RingCT is short for Ring Confidential Transactions. First described by Shen Noether of XMR Labs, Particl’s version is a complete ground-up build on the current Bitcoin codebase (0.18) led by Particl Lead Core developer Tecnovert.
Changes/Updates for Desktop 1.4.0 Client
- Branding updates (logos and colors)
- Upgrade dependencies
- Ability to make Anon (RingCT) transactions on mainnet
- Anon (RingCT) transactions with adjustable privacy levels
- The create wallet step is now an inline page
- Allows for core 0.18 or greater on desktop
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