Crypto Facilities bitcoin futures liquidity increases 10x since February


Crypto Facilities, a cryptocurrency derivatives exchange (recently acquired by Kraken), a couple of months ago introduced a Revenue Share Program (RSP) to incentivize clients to provide liquidity and trade actively on the exchange.

The team reported today that the program has proved a huge success, reaching a record weekly pay-out of $175,000 last Friday. The exchange also has seen liquidity grow considerably across all products, with bitcoin and ether liquidity increasing by up to 10x since February.


To continue the success of the program, starting on May 31, 12:00 UTC, the Crypto Facilities team will be amending the parameters of the RSP to further drive liquidity to Kraken Futures:

Revenue Share (%) Minimum Payout RSI Liquidity/Volume Share Proportional Payout Slot Payout Number of Slots
Current 30% $25,000 75%/25% 50% 50% 4
New 30% $25,000 75%/25% 20% 80% 7

While Crypto Facilities will be maintaining the $25,000 minimum payout, the split amongst the Contract Types are being adjusted to:

  • XBT:USD $9,000
  • ETH:USD $6,000
  • XRP:USD $3,000
  • LTC:USD $3,000
  • BCH:USD $3,000
  • XRP:XBT $1,000

The 80% slot payout will be disbursed across 7 slots per Contract Type as follows:

  • Slot 1: 25%
  • Slot 2: 17.5%
  • Slot 3: 12.5%
  • Slot 4: 10%
  • Slot 5: 7.5%
  • Slot 6: 5%
  • Slot 7: 2.5%

Lastly, Crypto Facilities will now allow clients with linked/subaccounts to have their performance summed so that they can aggregate their activity for the purpose of RSP rewards.

Position Assignment System Preference Management

Crypto Facilities also today provided an update to its Position Assignment System (PAS). Last year, the exchange launched a PAS as a mechanism to handle liquidations which were not filled in the orderbook. This approach is an alternative to the insurance fund/clawback system model that is prevalent in cryptocurrency derivatives markets.

Users can now opt into the PAS and receive position assignments from liquidated traders at favorable prices. Now when logged into their account, users can add preferences for how they would like to participate in the PAS, first, they are advised to read up on the PAS.

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