D’CENT releases cold storage device for tokenized ‘game items’


Korean cryptocurrency hardware wallet ompany D’CENT has announced the release of the world’s first cold storage for storing tokenized ‘game items’ to be available at the end of April.

D’CENT, created by IoTrust, supports Non-Fungible Token (NFT). NFT is an irreplaceable token with a distinguishable element, which is useful for trading unique goods that hold their own unique values. CryptoKitties is the best example of tokenized game items based on ERC-721 standard.

Applications for listings can be made through the company’s official website or at Onoffmix platform from March 18th until March 29th (midnight KST). All companies based on blockchain and game applications can apply. To the 20 lucky winning projects, D’CENT will provide 50 pieces of card wallets custom printed with the winner’s own design.

“We have yet to see in the current market, a cold wallet that can support ERC-721-based tokens. We look forward to much interest and participation from dApp games.”

Sangsu Baek, CEO of D'CENT

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