Ternio blockchain accepted as Amazon Advanced Technology Partner


Ternio, a scalable blockchain architecture for enterprise organizations, has announced its acceptance as an Amazon Advanced APN Technology Partner. Ternio’s patent-pending Lexicon framework has made headlines in recent months as the only scalable blockchain framework capable of supporting over one million transactions per second, fully decentralized and on-chain.

With this new integration, any Amazon AWS client will have the option to use Ternio’s Lexicon framework and deploy a scalable blockchain solution within a cloud-based environment.

Deploying blockchain as a service (BaaS) has recently been a focus for many large organizations as they look to increase efficiencies, gain transparency and opt for data storage on an immutable ledger. Up until this point, the biggest challenge was deploying a blockchain-based solution at scale. With Ternio’s Lexicon framework, blockchain scalability is no longer a pain point for large organizations looking to deploy distributed ledger technology.

We’re very excited about being accepted as an AWS Advanced Partner, making us one of only five blockchain companies in the world with this designation. Now, any enterprise client from a small startup to the U.S. federal government can deploy our blockchain technology at scale on AWS.

Daniel, Gouldman, CEO, Ternio

Ternio’s technology is industry-agnostic and can be deployed for advertising, telecom, fintech, public sector and more. The Lexicon blockchain is well-suited for internal and external supply chains using large data sets or large volumes of small data sets. Lexicon’s architecture is built upon HyperLedger Fabric and supports Ethereum EVM bytecode smart contracts.

“Ternio has automated the deployment of Lexicon onto Amazon AWS’ Managed Kubernetes Service, EKS. Pairing Lexicon with EKS was a natural choice for us. Coupling Kubernetes with Amazon’s underlying service offerings affords us the speed, security, scalability, and availability we require. It allowed us to architect and automate the deployment of production-level Hyperledger Fabric clusters in a manner that is highly available and auto-scalable. We’ve also been able to implement Elastic Block Storage (EBS) auto-scaling to support the need for large, immutable datasets.”

Corey Ballou, lead blockchain developer at Ternio

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