Top Reasons to Invest in Cryptocurrency in 2019

Thinking of investing your hard-earned dollars in cryptocurrency in 2019? Now maybe the perfect time to do so. In this article, we’ll take a look at just 5 reasons that investing in crypto in 2019 may be the right option for you.

  1. The Technology Is Always Being Refined

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Ethereum are always being refined, and the technology behind exchanges and online trading platforms is also safer and more advanced than ever.

In addition, novel use-cases for cryptocurrency and the blockchain are being discovered every day – from protecting art, to the logistics and supply chain industry. The technology behind cryptocurrencies is being refined every day – leading to exciting and potentially revolutionary innovation.

  1. There Are More Ways to Diversify Than Ever

Even just a few years ago, there were few cryptocurrencies in which you could invest – meaning your risk of losing your investment was higher. You need to diversify a good investment portfolio, and with more than 1,600 cryptocurrencies to choose from, doing so is now very easy indeed.

  1. We’re in a “Bear Market”

A bear market means that the value of a particular asset – in this case, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies – is being depressed by market conditions.

This means that, if you missed out on the crypto “bull market” in late 2017 and early 2018, you’re in the perfect position to take advantage of lower prices. Markets are cyclical – and markets that are currently in a downturn, such as crypto, will likely recover and continue to deliver great returns on investment.

  1. You Can Add More Diversity to Your Traditional Portfolio

Should cryptocurrency be your only investment? Of course not! Instead, investing in crypto is a good way to add even more diversity to a traditional investment portfolio consisting of things like:

By adding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to your existing investment portfolio, you can continue to diversify, with an asset that is not tied to existing global markets – which helps protect your portfolio from volatility.

  1. Businesses Can Benefit from Crypto Investment

Cryptocurrencies can be very useful for business. Due to the deflationary nature of most cryptocurrencies, they tend to become more valuable over time. There are even some instances of companies taking out small business advances short-term loans to invest in cryptocurrency, to ensure they can take advantage of the growing interest and value of crypto.

However, crypto isn’t just a good investment it’s a great way to transfer money securely over international borders. If you run a small business, for example, and hire a web contractor who works abroad, you can transfer their money to them using a cryptocurrency – which will help both of you avoid stiff fees for international payments and money transfers.

Should You Invest in Cryptocurrency in 2019? 

If you have been interested in cryptocurrency in the past, but have not invested, this may be an ideal time to dip your toes into the crypto markets. Of course, this depends on your own investment strategy and risk tolerance – but there are many signs that the crypto market may make a significant recovery in 2019 and beyond.

So, consider your own risk tolerance and finances – and think about whether investing in cryptocurrencies may be right for you and your investment goals. You’re sure to make the right choice.

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