IDEX reveals AURA token staking launch date


Aurora DAO, the organization behind the popular decentralized exchange IDEX informed that its development team has been hard at work wrapping up the alpha release of the AURA staking software (AuraD).

Now, the Aurora/IDEX team has announced that staking will officially go live on Tuesday, January 8th, 2019.

Upon launch, users will be able to begin staking AURA (10k minimum) and earn fees collected by the IDEX exchange. The Aurora team will be releasing a more comprehensive overview of the software along with other materials to prepare those interested in the launch.

In the meantime, the IDEX team wanted to share a preview of what they have been building behind the scenes, see the video below:

AURA Staking Goals

The goal with AURA staking is to decentralize IDEX’s current off-chain components while realizing the following benefits:

  • Increasing resistance to DDOS attack and hacks by replacing a central server with a network of node operators.
  • Improving transparency by providing an open source client that allows anyone to verify the fairness of its trading operations.
  • Incorporating the community (traders, market makers, investors) into the operations of IDEX, harnessing the network effect made possible through economic incentives. This process will be as inclusive as possible, allowing those with both a small and large stake to participate.
  • Maintaining the real-time trading experience that has been so instrumental in our current success.
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