Tezos (XTZ) now listed on Dubai exchange RightBTC


RightBTC, a Dubai bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange announced the official listing of Tezos (XTZ) on September 30, 2018, Dubai time. The trading pairs will be XTZ/BTC, XTZ/ETH, XTZ/USD, XTZ/ETP. Deposit and withdrawal function for XTZ will be available at the same time.

Tezos is a new platform for smart contracts and decentralized applications. The Tezos protocol offers a formal process through which stakeholders can govern the protocol and implement future innovations. Tezos’unique proof-of-stake consensus algorithm gives every stakeholder the opportunity to participate in the validation of transactions on the network and be rewarded by the protocol for doing so.

In order to commemorate this listing, RightBTC is providing the following benefits to all of the users:

50% Discount on Trading Fee

Time: 2018/09/30-2018/10/29

Rule: During the event time, users who register on RightBTC and participate in XTZ/BTC, XTZ/ETH, XTZ/USD, XTZ/ETP trading can enjoy 50% discount on trading fee which means XTZ trading fee is 0.1%.

Deposit XTZ to Earn Free RT Rewards

Time: 2018/10/01-2018/10/10

Rule: During the event time, a user who registers on RightBTC and deposits XTZ with holding position will receive RT rewards. Every 1 XTZ deposit will be rewarded with 2 RTs, which is 1XTZ=2RT. The daily RT rewards are maximum 1000 RT per account. During the event time, the daily prize can be accumulated.

The final winners will be announced once the event is finished. If RightBTC doesn’t receive any complaint during three working days after the final list is published. Rewards will be issued to qualified users accordingly within 7 working days after the event.

*RightBTC reserves all rights of final explanation. RightBTC reserves the right to disqualify any person who is known or suspected by RightBTC to be cheating or violating any rules and regulations set by RightBTC.

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