a16z crypto buys 6% of MKR, backing MakerDAO


It was announced earlier today that recently launched $300 million crypto and blockchain investment fund a16z crypto has purchased 6% of the total token supply of MakerDAO’s MKR for $15 million USD.

The purchase gives a16z crypto a stake in the decentralized stablecoin and the only system built with formally verified smart contracts on Ethereum (or any blockchain). As an MKR holder, a16z crypto will participate in the governance of MakerDAO and the Dai Credit System as it becomes the first decentralized autonomous stablecoin organization.

As part of this partnership, MakerDAO will receive operating capital through the next growth stage, 3 years of support for the MakerDAO community, and most importantly, full operational support from the 80+ person Andreessen Horowitz a16z team. Specifically, Dai Stablecoin adoption and regulatory support are two of the first priorities.

The strategic purchase in MakerDAO is one of the first from a16z crypto, the newly created, dedicated crypto fund from Andreessen Horowitz. The move was driven by General Partner Katie Haun, an accomplished former federal prosecutor who led the first government task force on cryptocurrencies and also led the investigation into the Mt. Gox hacks and into the federal task force investigating Silk Road.

“As a first mover and innovator in stablecoins, MakerDAO represents a very compelling opportunity in the crypto space,” said Katie Haun, “MakerDAO’s technology, ecosystem, and talent have put theory into action to deliver a decentralized stablecoin that we believe will help drive the future of the crypto economy.”

Andreessen Horowitz and a16z crypto are opening up their expertise and network in areas ranging from sales and business development (including partnerships), marketing, technical talent, HR operations, and more. We look forward to being able to utilize a16z’s vast array of resources and knowledge to help guide and build Maker for years to come.

“a16z crypto shares our vision for a world where the blockchain has leveled the economic playing field for everybody. With investment and operational support from a16z crypto, MakerDAO will be able to accelerate evolution, innovation, and adoption of the Dai Credit System.”

Rune Christensen, CEO and co-founder of MakerDAO

In addition to the investment from a16z crypto, Maker recently launched multi-collateral Dai on Kovan TestNet and held its first public governance vote.

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