Zeus Exchange connects with trust management app Membrana


It was announced today that Membrana, a trust management ecosystem made to directly connect an investor and a trader to conclude a mutually beneficial, secure, and reliable contract will integrate Zeus Exchange, scheduled to launch in late Summer.

Membrana has a trading terminal designed to work on all exchanges through one interface. For an investor, it has a rating system with transparent data on all traders. The platform allows an investor to give traders an opportunity to manage funds, but not to possess them.

Thus, the latter trades with an investor’s exchange account through Membrana’s unique interface. Investors do not transfer their funds to Membrana, the funds are always on their exchange account.

The Membrana team has developed an algorithm to solve the following problems:

– Middleman required (to provide guarantees)
– Loss of control over invested funds (because of the need to transfer it to a 3rd party)
– Lack of trust (not knowing trader and his/her history)
– Fraud (no proof of information)
– Counterparty risks (cannot put restrictions on the trader)

Users arrange a smart contract with terms prewritten, such as target profit, duration of the contract, the maximum loss, etc. There is a dashboard to control contracts and to send and receive a request for trust management. If an investor and trader agree, the request for smart contract initiated.

The smart contract is working with help from an oracle, a system that brings information from smart contract to web interface for executing depending on status. Data of all trades are stored on the blockchain.

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