Qurrex aims to deliver hybrid cryptocurrency exchange solution


As centralized exchanges have proven to be faulty, the dream of high-quality decentralized ones has been elusive. Other solutions like atomic swaps that eliminate the need for an exchange altogether have also been suggested, but they are far away from mass deployment and they also have their limitations.

The exchange void must be filled with innovative ideas, top-notch development and a team that can deliver. That is exactly what Qurrex is offering through its innovative hybrid exchange. Combining the positive traits of decentralized exchanges with the advantages of decentralized exchanges will allow traders to enjoy the best of both worlds.

The Qurrex hybrid exchange will be able to deliver a superior service by making the following features available to its users:

• Liquidity and latency of centralized exchanges.
• The security of decentralized exchanges by allowing users to keep their funds in cold storage or multi-sig wallets.
• A blockchain-based approach to trading, deploying 2 types of nodes: a central node acting as a guarantee for liquidity, as well as decentralized nodes through which P2P orders can be filled without appealing to a central authority.
• Transparency through immutable data on trades.

Some would say that decentralized exchanges with the help of further developments like atomic swaps, can deliver the same kind of advantages. Others will say that delivering the king of liquidity and latency needed to satisfy traders is the most important feature and centralized exchanges already deliver on that front. Nevertheless, the arguments on both sides are wrong. A hybrid approach is the only way to achieve all these advantages; the revolutionary aspect of Qurrex is the ability to deliver this hybrid solution now.

The Qurrex platform combines all the advantages form both worlds and allows traders to do what they do best without worrying about how the technology that is being developed now will help them in the future. For Qurrex the future is now; traders cannot afford to see what will happen when atomic swaps are fully deployed or how decentralized exchanges will improve their liquidity issues. No one can afford to see how centralized exchanges are going to solve their security issues.

Traders understand that decentralized exchanges cannot handle the trading volume needed to ensure liquidity. They know there is no way of knowing how atomic swaps will develop to include more currencies. Many traders also know that centralized exchanges have a limited set of security solutions because they have a single point of failure. Now, traders also know that Qurrex can solve all these issues by deploying a hybrid solution immediately. This is precisely why Qurrex is the revolutionary solution that traders have been looking for, for years. It will take competitors a lot of time to catch up. By then Qurrex will be delivering on the next trading revolution, so traders will be enjoying the benefits of this project for years to come.

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