RocketPay aims to empower Dash in Southeast Asia


Investing in Dash is relatively easy, utilizing Dash is a different story. Dash users, especially in Southeast Asia, need to go through long processes to convert Dash to fiat currency. Dash users in Southeast Asia have wished for a more Dash accepting environment where they can easily use Dash to purchase goods and pay bills. The team at Rocket Integration Technology vowed to make their wish come true.

For several weeks, the team worked around the clock, said goodbye to their social life, survived on thousands of liters of coffee and energy drink in order to come up with the first ever Dash processor in Southeast Asia called RocketPay, a tool to store, transfer, and transact Dash.

By using RocketPay, users will be able to store their Dash in the highly secured RocketPay E-Wallet. Equip with the most advanced security technology, users no longer need to worry about the safety of their valuable Dash cryptocurrency. The flexibility of the RocketPay E-Wallet was rectified through its availability and functionality. The E-Wallet is globally available and accessible through any technological device, including the smartphone while the functions of the E-Wallet is user-friendly and plain sailing.

In terms of business, RocketPay is advantageous as it will make the business more appealing to the international market. Intelligent business owners should definitely become Dash merchants. The reason is that a number of Dash users from all over the world are on the rise. So, the demand for payment using Dash is also increasing. Satisfy the customers’ demand and penetrate the global market by registering as a Dash Merchant through the RocketPay Merchant Service.

By using Rockeypay Exchange Service, Dash traders will be able to upgrade their trading experience by performing trades with traders from over all over the world. Buying and selling Dash with  RocketPay is also beneficial for individuals who are not Dash traders or merchants. The Affiliate Programme is a mutual gain program that will bring profit to RocketPay and the Affiliate. Individuals that join the RocketPay Affiliate Programme will be responsible to hunt for RocketPay’s new clients. By doing so, the Affiliate will generate income by earning attractive commissions. A win-win situation for both parties.

But all of these will not be possible without the support of the Dash Community. After 17 days of negotiation, starting from the pre-proposal and all the way to submission of live preparation, Rocket Integration Technology was finally rewarded with 390 Dash for the period of 3 months. With the funds that were rewarded by the Dash Community, Rocket Integration Technology was able to proceed with the development of RocketPay. The received funds were used to create all the systems related to RocketPay, including the RocketPay mobile application. Apart from that, the allocated funds were also utilized by the marketing team to promote Dash and RocketPay. With the funds from Dash Community, Rocket Integration Technology was able to create an effective marketing campaign which includes online advertisement, print advertisement, as well as billboards.

Through these advertisements, the awareness of Dash and RocketPay has spread throughout the country and the neighboring region. Dash is now gaining popularity among the people of Southeast Asia. RocketPay is simple, safe, and secure. It is an all-in-one instrument that is perfect for storing, trading, and paying with Dash. However, RocketPay is not just a Dash processor, the presence of RocketPay is enhancing the awareness of Dash throughout Southeast Asia.

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