​SegWit being rolled out on Wirex bitcoin wallets


Mobile bitcoin payment application Wirex announced today that user wallets will soon be upgraded with full SegWit support. This means blockchain fees will reduce significantly.

As part of the company preparation to support SegWit, users are going to receive a brand new Segwit-enabled bitcoin address. Current user balances will be automatically transferred to the new address.

In September, Wirex announced SegWit support was in development and it’s now almost ready for release. Wirex aims to release the wallet update within the next week — and said it could even be as soon as tomorrow.

Summary of Changes To Wirex Accounts:

– Old bitcoin addresses will no longer be visible on accounts.
– Users can continue to receive funds from external transfers to the old address.
– The total bitcoin balance (for both the old and new address) will be displayed in the account.

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