New Zealand Bitcoin Exchange application for registry accepted


New Zealand Bitcoin Exchange (NZBCX) a popular bitcoin exchange based in New Zealand announced today they finally heard back from the New Zealand FSPR (Financial Service Provider Registry) who told the company they will now accept its application.

The Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) is a searchable online register of the people, businesses, and organizations that offer financial services in New Zealand.

The NZBCX team said:

“The process has been a learning curve for the both of us as it involved several months of back and forth and the fielding of a number of questions regarding the definition of cryptographic tokens and the service we aim to provide.”

“While our application is still pending processing it is our understanding that this usually takes only 5 working days once background checks are completed on all named people on the application We expect to have good news shortly”

New Account Verification Process

NZBCX also informed it updated its account verification process, they used to accept identification documents via email, and still do. But now users can submit their documents online, more speedily and securely.

In an effort to give something back to all users waiting for account verification. NZBCX said they will be giving away $100 worth of bitcoin to users who are still waiting for account verification every week. To be eligible a user must have completed their required information and submitted your identity documents already.

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